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Ok holdup, gotta stop top rocking so I can sit down and write this here review. That second track “New Generation” was lyrically beat street on VHS. Who produced this shit? Tyrone Brunson? These breaks are ‘ring around the bath tub’ funky. Sound like they teleported Skull Snaps in from 1973 to play this shit live. And wait a second, those are actually lyrics. This dude is actually saying something. You could’ve easily just scratched ‘fresh’ all over this shit and it still would’ve been that. But dude actually has content. For every ‘never gonna stop, never gonna stop’ there’s a ‘my work can be my achilles heel’ to juxtapose it. This dude can probably even spell ‘dichotomy’.

I like the contrast of the production too. The beat knows to breathe a little when your mind needs too. And then it steps aside to give the technicality of the lyrics their shine. Just enough so that you’re not hammered to death with boom bap, but more so driven by it. And lyrically, shux. Dude just dropped a Steven Hawkin simile in “Take Flight” Go forward two dimensions for mentioning a quantum physicist in a rhyme. And then just before the rap purist bullies throw their shell toes, a funkdoobiest reference. That’s the juxtaposition I’m talking about.

Seven tracks in and I still haven’t heard him use the same flow pattern yet. And then on this 8th track ‘First World Venom’ he’s some how bent the time space continuum and is flowing to a completely different time signature mid track. Cool trick. And track he’s some how paid The Beatminerz to produce. Say what? It’s some dude named Plutonic Lab who’s produced the whole album? Shit, somebody give this guy an ARIA. I see why they named the album after this track. This one speaks. And then just as I’m recovering from that, “We Ride Beats” steps in and smacks me right in the nucleus accumbens. If this is the speed Dialectix’s mind is working at he needs a codeine prescription. The whole thing just muted half way through cause Chip Fu was spitting so fast the sound barrier broke. Sonic Boom.

Thirteen tracks down and I’m totally impressed. But I’ve come to the fourth paragraph where I have to act like I’m not. So to be a real hipster about it, i’d say the only thing lacking with this piece is that maybe the arrangement could be a bit more interesting. At times it feels a bit too much like ‘beats and rhymes’ instead of a song. And maybe the message would be more potent if he would cut down on rhyming to the syllable so strictly. I feel like sometimes it’s unnecessary. It waters down the meaning. Sometimes I think you can get more across without every possible word rhyming. Who needs a poet to make things more complex right? But hey, that’s just my 5 cents. Overall this is a brilliant piece of written work with instrumentation that keeps your ears interested from the beginning. Inspiring shit.

Review by Tom Scott

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